Thursday, August 31, 2006
Obsessed by Ted Dekker

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Squat by Taylor Field

Saturday, August 26, 2006
New Look
Coming in the next week, you can expect to see 2 or 3 new reviews. I will be covering Karen Kingsbury's Like Dandelion Wind and Taylor Fields' Squat. I also hope to have a review of another older book. The days that I do not post a review I plan on commenting on books, authors, and websites. Eventually, interviews will be added.
I have joined the Christian Fandom staff as the Biography Editor. Tina Kulesa has also been added to the staff position of Fantasy Editor. Christian Fandom has over 400 pages of content covering Christian fantasy, science fiction, western, horror, and mystery books. Take the time to drop in and check it out.
God bless.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
CSFF Blog Tour-Kathy Tyers(part 2)

Kathy Tyers' Firebird Trilogy is one of the most praised Christian science fiction series ever. Is it worthy of the praise it has received in numerous sites? So far, I have only read the first book but I would have to agree. Kathy appears to have been inspired by Star Wars. If you look hard enough, most authors take an existing story/idea, turn it on it's side, mix it with their own thoughts, and have a new creation. She has used some of the world building and themes from the better space opera books and fused it with the character development of the romance genre. Excellent job on book 1.
I plan on reading her other books between the books I have to review for this site. I highly recommend this series to anyone who loves science fiction(or well written fiction in general).
Go to Beth Goddard's blog for a two part interview with the author.
Best news of the tour award goes to Karen Hancock's posting for today. In it she reveals that Kathy is back to writing fiction and is hard at work on a new book set in the Firebird universe.
What other Christian speculative fiction has been published? Which ones do you recommend?
I put together a list(in no particular order) from my collection. Eventually reviews will be posted on these books.
Kathy Tyers-Shivering World
Ted Dekker-The Circle Trilogy(Black, Red, White).
Karen Hancock-Arena
S. Wise Bauer-The Revolt(In the near future, Virginia separates from the United States. An idealist discovers that it may be impossible to establish the kingdom of God on earth. A very interesting first novel).
James Byron Huggins-Leviathan(an unholy alliance between science and nature unleashes havoc beyond measuring).
Nancy Moser-Time Lottery(what if you had the chance to go back in time and relive one decisive moment?)
Gregory Smith-Captive Planet, Operation Master Planet(rebels on the planet Tsu fighting against the Dominion).
Randall Ingermanson-Double Vision, Transgression, Retribution, Premonition.
John Olson/Randall Ingermanson-The Fifth Man, Oxygen.
Andrew Seddon-Red Planet Rising(Christians on Mars are being persecuted by a supposedly benevolent leader).
David Gray-The Shepherd Series(The Shepherd's Man, The Shepherd's Path)(end times novel about a corrupted world that is persecuting Christians).
Stephen Lawhead-Dream Thief, Empyrion.
Make sure you visit the other sites that are participating in the tour.
Valerie Comer
Bryan Davis
Beth Goddard
Rebecca Grabill
Leathel Grody
Karen Hancock
Elliot Hanowski
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Sharon Hinck
Pamela James
Jason Joyner
Tina Kulesa
Rachel Marks
Shannon McNear
Cheryl Russel
Mirtika Schultz
Stuart Stockton
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
CSFF Blog Tour-Kathy Tyers
Take the time to visit her home page at http://www.kathytyers.com. Kathy has her biography and a list of all the books(and short stories) she has published.
Tomorrow I will have comments on the Christian science fiction field(including Kathy's work).
Other sites that are participating in this tour are:
John J. Boyer
Valerie Comer
Bryan Davis
Beth Goddard
Rebecca Grabill
Leathel Grody
Karen Hancock
Elliot Hanowski
Katie Hart
Sherrie Hibbs
Sharon Hinck
Pamela James
Jason Joyner
Tina Kulesa
Rachel Marks
Shannon McNear
Cheryl Russel
Mirtika Schultz
Stuart Stockton
Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Sunday, August 13, 2006
A Day with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory
In the first book, Nick Comminsky had dinner with Jesus. As Nick presented all of his doubts and questions to Jesus, he replied with love and grace. Now this book shows what happens when Nick returns home and tells his wife(Mattie) about the dinner.
Mattie flies off on a business trip to give herself a chance to think over what her husband told her. Has her husband gone crazy? Should she leave him? While on the plane, Mattie has an encounter with Jesus. She has her own doubts. As she talks with Jesus, she begins to realize who this man is in the seat beside her.
David has presented another view of an encounter with our Lord. I like the way that he shows Jesus handling the questions. Jesus does a perfect mix of explaining and leading the non-beliver into thinking for themselves. I hope he continues with a third book in this series.
I know he has me thinking about how I will explain Christianity to others.
A Day with a Perfect Stranger is available at most bookstores.
The publisher has set up a website at http://www.randomhouse.com/waterbrook/Day/
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Congratulations Chris Well!!!
Congratulations Chris on a job well done.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Dinner With a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory
A mysterious envelope appears on your desk at work. When you open it you find an invitation to dinner... from Jesus. Nick Comminsky assumes that it is a practicle joke or another attempt to get him to attend a local church. He decides to keep the dinner reservation. When he gets there he finds a man who knows too much about his personal life. The more they talk the more he realizes that this is the real Jesus.
The author has written an excellent book for Christians and non-Christians alike. It shows the Christian how to approach non-believers. For non-Christians, he answers a lot of their questions but not in the way that they expect.
People might tell you that Jesus does not appear to people the way he did in this book. It is a work of fiction. Then Haven Today airs the story of Muslim man named Afshin. This man memorized the Koran and devoted his life to Allah. After being imprisoned, he becomes the leader of the Muslims in the prison. There he came face to face with Jesus. Afshin became a Christian. You can listen to his story at:
It is interesting to listen to Afshin's tale and read "Dinner With a Perfect Stranger". It is a good reminder that Jesus is reaching out to people every day.
"Dinner With a Perfect Stranger" is still on sale at many bookstores. Next time, I will review the sequel "A Day With a Perfect Stranger".
Friday, August 04, 2006
Other Sites of Interest
Six different writers post on this site. The focus of the discussions is on Christians exploring speculative literature. Different subjects they have covered includes:
What is horror and does it have a place in Christian books?
The current wave of Christian science fiction and fantasy books.
Can we learn anything from secular fiction?
It is an excellent site that I recommend.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Waking Lazarus by T. L. Hine
This did not read like a first novel. I was caught up in the story from the first page on. This was a book that I made the mistake of taking to read on vacation. We stayed in a condo in the Catskills Mountains. As Jude's story unfolds and the action starts to move into a cat and mouse game with the killer the last place you will want to be is in the mountains. T. L.'s novel will make you nervous to be alone anywhere but definitely read this with other people around. The book is part thriller and part the life story of Jude Allman. The author keeps you guessing as to who the killer(called the Hunter) is until the end. Hand this book to anyone who says that Christian fiction is boring and tame.
Highly recommended. One of the best books(Christian or secular) of the year.
T. L. has a blog athttp://www.tlhines.com/blog/
The Amazon link for his book ishttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0764202049