What is the truth about signs of alien life on Mars?
What if the key to this mystery shows that astronaut John Wells' hero is really his enemy?
John must return to Mars.
Throughout the years, many science fiction books have featured Mars. What are some of your favorites?
Check back tomorrow for a list of my favorites.
Please take the time to check out other sites that are participating in the tour.
Trish Anderson, Brandon Barr, Justin Boyer, Grace Bridges, Amy Browning, Jackie Castle, Valerie Comer, Karri Compton, Lisa Cromwell, CSFF Blog Tour, Gene Curtis, D. G. D. Davidson, Janey DeMeo. Merrie Destefano , Alien Dream, Jeff Draper, April Erwin, Linda Gilmore, Beth Goddard, Marcus Goodyear, Jill Hart, Katie Hart, Sherrie Hibbs, Christopher Hopper, Becca Johnson, Jason Joyner, Kait, Karen, Dawn King, Tina Kulesa, Rachel Marks, Karen McSpadden, Rebecca LuElla Miller, Eve Nielsen, John W. Otte, Lyn Perry, Deena Peterson, Rachelle, Cheryl Russel, Chawna Schroeder, Mirtika Schultz, James Somers, Steve Trower, Speculative Faith, Laura Williams, Timothy Wise

Nice intro, Jim, and a good question. I'm not well read in sci fi, so unfortunately don't have any book titles to offer for your list. I'll be interested in which ones you name.
Hi! I just wanted to drop by and say hello, and thanks so much for the great review! Austin is a wonderful guy and his books are great.
Blessings on your blog,
Jim - nice hook with the questions. I think that Mars tends to show up pretty frequently because even though it's the closest to us, it's still so out of reach. It's fun to theorize and speculate something that may end up proving us wrong or right in a matter of years. :)
Great hook, Jim! :) Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat as Becky. But I look forward to seeing your list! Perhaps I'll have to check out a few of books you recommend. :D
Becca Johnson
OK, I'll play. I like Philip K Dick, so I'd have to include Martian Time-Slip and We can remember it for you wholesale. And if no-one else picks C S Lewis, I'll just mention Out of the Silent Planet in passing. :)
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